Evaluation of the Successfulness of a Green Program Through Customer Perceived Quality, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study at Surabaya Plaza Hotel

Abstract: Every company tried to build the brand image by doing a green program. This research aimed to see the impacts of the implementation of a green program at Surabaya Plaza Hotel, Surabaya. 230 hotel customers were randomly chosen as the respondents and analyzed through descriptive and SEM analysis. It could be seen that technical quality brings insignificant negative impacts towards customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, functional quality and brand image bring a significant positive impact toward customer satisfaction. Besides that, technical quality and functional quality bring a significant positive effect indirectly toward customer sa-tisfaction through brand image as mediating.
Keywords:  Green Program,  Brand  Image,  Customer  Perceived Quality,  Customer  Satisfaction, Technical Quality, Functional Quality
Author: Marsella Yeanette Hatane, Adinda Yosari, Felicia Christiana Hendautomo 
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg120034

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Jp Manajemen gg 2012