Abstract: The price of drugs in Indonesia is still relatively expensive in both the government and private sectors. A survey conducted in 2004 showed that the price of patented drugs in Indonesia is 22 to 26 times  higher than  the  International  Reference  Price  (IRP).  As  for  generic  drugs,  though  cheaper  than  patented  drugs, the price is still nine times higher than the IRP. To overcome these problems, the government facilitated the  procurement  of  generic  drugs  by  using  the  e-Catalog.  But  not  all  hospitals  can  purchases  drugs through the e-Catalog, some still use the conventional methods to supply the needs of medicine where the prices  are  more  expensive  than  the  prices  of  the  e-Catalog.  The  case  studies  carry  out  in  one  of  private hospital,  and  selection  of  items  examined  using  Kraljic  Portfolio  Matrix.  After  doing  research,  the selected  item  that  is  on  strategic  items  is  Omeprazole.  The  price  difference  is  due  to  different  contract system. In the conventional way, the contract made between the Hospital and the main distributor. While,  the e-Catalog way, contracts made directly to the pharmaceutical factory through the framework contract with government (LKPP). In the future, the conventional way must be abandoned, because through the e-Catalog, procurement is more efficient, thereby reducing time and costs.
Keyword: supply chain; kraljic portofolio matrix; e-catalog; drug price
Author: Hery Suliantoro, Eldinda Sazida Permatasari, Naniek Utami Handayani
Journal Code: jptindustrigg160004

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