Dinamika Psikologis Kekerasan Seksual: Sebuah Studi Fenomenologi
ABSTRACT: Purpose of this
study was to find out how the sexual violence occurs, the psychological impact
of sexual violence, and knowing how psychological dynamics of sexual assault
victims. Subjects in this study were the two people taken purposively with the
criteria had experienced sexual violence. Methodology in qualitative research
is phenomenological. There are four processes in a phenomenological approach
that is epoche, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation and synthesis
of meaning. Data analysis process involves bracketing, horizonalizing, and meaning
units to get the textural description. The results of this study indicate that
the psychological impact of the subjects who are victims of sexual violence is
the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder. Besides having a psychological
impact, psychological dynamics of the subjects in this study also have
similarities, but there are some striking differences. The big difference in
the impact and psychological dynamics is caused by several factors such as
personality characteristics, how to solve problems, how to manipulate
cognition, and social support.
KEYWORDS: Sexual Violence,
Psychological Impact, Psychological Dynamics
Penulis: M. Anwar Fuadi
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologiabnormaldd110001