Evaluasi Cerpen Ave Maria Karya Idrus dari Dimensi Psikologi Kepribadian

ABSTRACT: Not only does a man do love affairs but also a woman does. This may happen due to the feminism (woman liberation). This reality is reflected in a short story “Ave Maria” by Idrus. In this story, Wartini (Zulbahri’s wife) is described as a man who is expert in playing the piano. With her expertise in playing piano, she could arouse her previous love which had died out with Zulbahri’s brother (Syamsu).  Zulbahri, Wartini’s husband, felt betrayed becouse of this. To evaluate each characters in this short story “Ave Maria”, the researcher analysis it by using personality psychology dimension.
Keywords: love affair, woman, feminism, evaluation, per-sonality psychology
Penulis: Heru Supriyadi
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd060004

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