Kecerdasan Emosi pada Investor dalam Bertransaksi Saham

Abstract: The purposes of this research are to know and to analyze emotional intellegence among investor in stock trading. Individual investor is a person who invests his capital into effect form that is stock in the bursary effect by buying or selling-back that stock. All of the risks and benefits in stock trading will be taken by an individual investor. Emotional intelligence that is intended is a set of skill, competence, and  non  cognitive  qualification  that  influence  the  personal  skill  to  weather  claim  and  pressure ambient.  Emotional  intelligence  was  devided  as  follow  intrapersonal,  interpersonal,  adaptation, stress and mood control. This research has been done with intrinsic case study. To determine the subject  using  combination  technique  between  purposive  and  accidental  so  that  selected  three subjects,  that  have  been  determined  by  informed  consent  and  suitability  of  the  characteristic  of subject. Experience and information of subject have been explorated using depth interview as the primary data collection. The techniques of data analysis that have been used in this research were tematic  analysis.  Field  note  was  also  used.  The  result  of  research  showed  that  there  are  three domains that arose to the individual investor that are intrapersonal, control stress area and mood area. Emotions at the time make stock investors when the stock price analysis. Domain which does not appear fully on the subject of research changed the theme interpersonal to be communication interpersonal and adaptability become problem focused coping.
Keywords: emotional intelegence, individual investor, stock
Penulis: Arlita Lusiana Wardani, Fendy Suhariadi
Kode Jurnal: jppiodd100011

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