ABSTRACT: To avoid the pattern of laissez-faire leadership at the head of Muhammadiyah schools required the application of trans-formational leadership pattern. This is supported by a study evaluating the effect of Authentic Transformational Leader-ship behaviors of Emotional Intelligence by intervening variable: Value congruence, Trust and Respect for teachers and employees in Muhammadiyah schools. The sample used in this study were 66 employees and 125 teachers. The results show that the behavior Authentic Transformational Leadership have a significant influence on Emotional Intelligence directly. Significant influence is also shown  intervening variables: value congruence (posi-tive), Trust (negative) and Respect (negative).
Keywords: authentic transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, value congruence, trust, reverence
Penulis: Sentot Imam Wahjono
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd110006

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