Konstrual-diri di Kalangan Mahasiswa

ABSTRACT: The present study aims to explore the self-construal of  students at a private higher learning institution in Yogyakarta with paying attention to their gender and ethnic background, namely Javanese versus non-Javanese (Chinese, Dayakese, Batakese, Sundanese, Ambonese, Balinese, Betawinese, and Floresnese). The instrument was  Skala Konstrual-diri  (n = 18; á = 0,6749), the Indonesian adaptation of the Self-Construal Scale developed by Theodore M. Singelis (1994). A total of  176 sophomores of  9 different ethnic background (131 Javanese and 45 non-Javanese) from 20 study programs in 7 different faculties participated as subjects. The results led to two major conclusions. First, as members of  Eastern collectivistic communi-ties, both Javanese and non-Javanese subjects in general tend to have an interdependent self-construal, but this tendency is significant only among the Javanese. Second, although there is a tendency for female subjects in general to have a more interdependent self-construal than malesubjects, but the difference is not significant among both the Javanese and non-Javanese subjects.
Keywords: individualism; collectivism; independent self-construal; interdependent self-construal
Penulis: A. Supratiknya
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd060006

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