Pengaruh Karakteristik lndividu, Sikap, dan Pelatihan Terhadap Penggunaan Teknologi lnformasi dan Kinerja Pegawai Kelurahan Menuju Terwujudnya E-Government
Abstract: The
governmenf's use of information technology that is not maximum is caused by
human resource problem. lnformation technology infrastructure will not be
utilized maximally without good human resource support and this will result ini
bad pedormance. Meanwhile there are not many research on human resource in
information technolgy. lnformation technology human resource, commonly called
as use,; can be seen from characteristics, attitude, and training so that the
inftuence of these variables towards the use of informaton technology needs to
be investigated. The empiric data were taken from 105 employees of 21 districts
(kelurahan) in Semarang. The data were processed by using SPSS 16. The resu/t
shows that the use of lT is significantly influenced by the charactersfics,
attitude and training, while the use of lT in kelurahan also inftuences the pertormance
of employees. Characterisctic has negative influence and it is dominated by age
factor. Education and the length of working time do not have significant
influence. Affective attitude and psychomotor give positive influence to the
use of lT, while cognitive attitude does not. Computer training variable is
dominated by duration rather than frequency factor. To improve the use of
computer in kelurahan, age, affective attitue, psychomotoric attitude, and the
duration of training should be considered. From the processed empiric data, the
use of tT significantty influences performance. Therefore, e-government should
be implemented since this will influnce the employee perfomance.
attitude, characteristics, pertormance, the use of computer, training
Penulis: Karis
Widyatmokol, Y. Tyas Gatur Pramudi (Program Studi Srsfem lnformasi Universitas
Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang)
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110002
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