Perilaku Memutilasi di Indonesia

Abstract: This research aimed to explain mutilation behavior in Indonesia analized by Integrated Cognitive Antisocial  Potencial  (ICAP).  Many  perspectives,  both  on  personality  (individual)  and  social  has attempt to explain the mutilation behavior but yet to explain the whole phenomena. ICAP suggested holistic and brief explanation because this approach always see the past and present time, either cognition and emotional domain. One respondent has done as the research subject. The result shown that respondent has no job, and moreover he has relational attachment and sosialization problem. The type of mutilation that used was defensive mutilation. It meant he always tries to hidden the fact and clues from others.
Keywords: Mutilation, Antisocial, ICAP, criminality
Penulis: M. Enoch Markum, Idhamsyah Eka Putra, Alfindra Primadlhi
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologiabnormaldd100004

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