Saudara Sekandung dari Anak Autis dan Peran Mereka dalam Terapi

ABSTRACT: The siblings of autism were child with special situation, because of having siblings with autism. This situation gave some impact for  the siblings of  autism and their life. Concerning the siblings of autism  can minimalize the negative impact causing by their autism siblings and maximalize their role  in supporting the successful of the therapy for their autism siblings. This research used expalatories case studies as qualitative methods. Analysis of data used pattern matching and explanation building. Inference from this research is how siblings feld about their autism siblings not static but dyanamic, behavior that shown by sibling to their autism siblings are influenced by siblings character and having autism sibling give more effect to younger siblings. When the siblings take an active part in the therapy,  their roles will support the successful of the therapy for their autism siblings
Keywords: Siblings of autism, roles, therapy
Penulis: Tri Kurniati Ambarini
Kode Jurnal: jppsikoterapidd060001

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