SEKULARISASI POLITIK: Pengalaman Amerika Serikat dan Dunia Islam
Abstract: This article
discusses the issue of secularization of politics as a phenomenon which can
hardly be avoided by any society. The secularization of politics, however,
provides for religion a place in political and public life as it happens in the
United States. In this state, religion plays a significant role in influencing
electoral behavior and public issues in political campaign. In most Muslim
countries, including Indonesia, the existing political system is secular in
nature, despite some rejections against the idea and practice of
secularization. The secularization of
politics therefore does not essentially make society atheistic or irreligious;
rather it can develop a fresh climate for the growth of genuine religiosity and spirituality, for
religion is free from any political interference.
Penulis: Ahmad Nur Fuad
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologipolitikdd090002