ABSTRACT: Pineapple Liquid
Waste has high
organic material and
still unfulfilled required
quality standard. Processing occurred
at the waste
processing installation with
pond system (Lagoon) required
a wide space
and keep long
time so that
less efficient. Based
on this problem, it
needs an environmentally sound
waste management by
utilizing bioprocess technology using
indigenous bacteria’s ability
in degrading organic
pollutant called Bioremediation. The
objective of this
research was to
get isolated indigenous
bacteria, enables to decrease
organic material. It
was divided into
four stages. First,
performed characteristic
observation of isolated
bacteria that potentially
decrease organic material, secondly decomposition
capability test in
vitro, and thirdly
scale bioremediation test
pilot plan, fourthly bioremediation test in ex situ at the microbiology
laboratory of Malang State University.
Data were analyzed
by Varian analysis
to test the
presence or absence
of differences and regression test to analyze the link between
variables. First phase result: 15 isolated
indigenous bacteria.. Potential
consortia bacteria consisting
of more effective
4 species, indicated by 4 consortia bacteria decreased BOD in 6 days.
Starter bacteria with a consortia K1’s combination (ABCD), Volume: 5% (v/v) and
6 days were the most effective
incubation time in
decreasing BOD. Second
phase result: 1)
A significant link among
the number of
bacteria, a. Bacillus
cereus, b. Acinetobacter baumanni,
c. Bacillus subtilis, d. Pseudomonas
pseudomallei and not
abcd against organic
material with contribution of 72,7% and negatively correlated, 2) Media
treatment and incubation time
gave distinctive outcome
against organic material, 3)
there was a
link between organic material
organic acid concentration
decrease would decrease
BOD at scale bioremediation test
Pilot plan, and ex situ
scale. Threshold BOD
achievement limit value on 10th day (75) quality standard: 75.
In accordance with ministry decree LH No. 05 year 2007 industrial
wastewater quality standard,
suggested to industry
to use this
study in processing its waste.
Keywords: organic material,
isolated indigenous bacteria, pineapple liquid waste
Penulis: Agus Sutanto
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd110021