Pengaruh Kondisi Operasi Alat Pengering Semprot Terhadap Kualitas Susu Bubuk Jagung

Abstract: Drying  method  is  one  of  techniques  used  in  food  preservation.  This  method  usually  means reducing  water  content  which  is  the  best  contiditon  for  microorganism  growth.  Higher  water content  also  causes  some  enzyms  needed  for  food  decomposition  cannot  work  well.  This research aims to produce corn milk powder and to study some variables effecting on quality of corn  milk  powder.  Hopefully  the  results  can  provide  some  information  and  produce  good quality of corn milk powder. The drying process was carried out with batch process where the material was put into spray dryer and the process was allowed for the given period of time. Heat was added by direct contact to the material. The pressures of the chamber were 2, 4, 6 and  8  bars  and  the  temperatures  were  100,  150,  200  and  2500C.  The  best  results  of  the research of protein, fat and water contents were 25.86 %, 18.34%, and 6.14%, recpectively.   
Keywords: atomizer pressure, cornmilk powder, spray dryer, temperature
Penulis: Zuhra, Sofyana, Cut Erlina
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd120034

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