Pengaruh Rasio Aditif Polietilen Glikol Terhadap Selulosa Asetat pada Pembuatan Membran Selulosa Asetat Secara Inversi Fasa

Abstract: Preparation  of  cellulose  acetate  (CA)  membranes  with  ultrafiltration  process  had  be  done  by phase  inversion  using  dimethylformamide  (DMF)  as  solvent.  Poliethylene  glycol  (PEG)  1450 Da, as additive, was  added  with 10, 20, and 30% rasio  of celluose acetate. The thin  film of polymer solution was immersed on water bath coagulation at room temperature. The analysis of  membrane  morphology  structure  by  Scanning  Electron  Microscope  (SEM)  JSM  –  5310  LV, Jeol-Japan  showed  the  asymetric  of  membrane.  The  addition  of  PEG  can  improve  the performance  of  the  membrane.  In  resulting  flux  is  higher  than  membranes  without  PEG. Increasing of PEG/CA ratio resulted in the higher flux with lower of rejection. The higher fluxes of water, dextran, and BSA are 146, 114, and 96 L/m2hr with 52,938 and 75,716% rejection for dextran and BSA.
Keywords: cellulose acetate membranes, polyethylene glycol, ultrafiltration
Penulis: Cut Meurah Rosnelly
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd120037

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