Abstract: The main objective of this research is to produce appropriate and integrated solution model to the farmers  poverty in East Jawa province. Some steps are implemented to make poverty solution in each region or city. The first is identifying the number of  poor people,  the second is analyzing the cause of  poverty,  and the third is analyzing the farmers  welfare level. The instruments used to measure the farmers welfare level include the farmers  exchange rate (N TP), the farmers  additional rate, and the farmers  buying index. Based on the poverty analysis result, the cities the highest number of poor people include Sampang, Malang,  Bojonegoro, lamongan, and Bangkalan. The absolute factors that  cause the poverty of family in East Jawa include heredity factor, the number of  family member to support, and low income. Based on the welfare condition analysis, the findings show that the farmers exchange rate of  East Jawa province tends to be fluctuating with the lowest N TP occurs in May and the highest in October as a result of the raise of all sub-sector of agriculture price index. The cities which have the highest N TP include Probolinggo, malang and N gawi, and the lowest include occurs in Pamekasan, Jember, and Gresik.
Penulis: Jabal Tarik Ibrahim, Aris  Soelistyo, Sutikno
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090002

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