ABSTRACT: From the marketing
perspective, Internet banking is a virtual branch that provides much
convenience to customers. This study aims to determine the factors that
determine the non-financial performance are reviewed from the perspective of
internet banking customers. The population in this study are all customers of
Bank Mandiri Branch Mojokerto who use Internet banking service, while the
sampling technique using the quota sampling. The analysis technique used was
factor analysis. The results of factor analysis that examined 19 variables
showed that the internet banking non-financial performance is determined by 6
factors. The first factor consists of account information, balances, account
details and a medium for transactions. The second factor that functions as the
information rate, error free, and functions to change the pin number,
displacement and transfer. The third factor is safety, operations, accuracy,
the amount of information that can be given. The fourth factor is the form of
presentation in the Internet, many services that can be given. The fifth factor
is the information processing time, time access to bank sites, responsiveness.
The sixth factor is the introduction and provision of information, customer
Keywords: Non-financial
performace, Internet banking, customer perpective
Penulis: Nurhadi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110050
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