ABSTRACT: This study aims to
describe the explanatory variables, namely: Attribute Product (X1=brand and
X2=physical evidence), price (X3=product price), and Mix Promotions
(X4=advertising, X5=sales promotion, X6=personal recommendation through word of
mouth); variables between the motivation (X7=motivation purchase), and the
dependent variable is Buying Decision (Y), and search and explain the influence
of direct, indirect, and total effect of all three types of variable with 212
population were pre-paid card subscribers TelkomFlexi-Trendy in Sawojajar
Housing Complex, Lesanpuro, Kedungkandang, Malang, 68 people were taken samples
of respondents. It is analized by path analysis from SPSS for windows ver 11.5.
The results based on descriptive analysis shows, in general, respondents gave
very positive responses to the 8 variables studied. Based on inferential
analysis showed that variables significantly X7 directly to the Y with the path
coefficient (α) equal to 0.319. From these results found in the fact that the
variables X1 which has a dominant influence with the total effect of 0.741.
Keywords: Attribute Product,
Price, Promotion Mix, Motivation, Decision to Purchase
Penulis: Djunaedi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110065
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