Dampak Paket WHO ”Peduli terhadap Perkembangan” bagi Bidan-bidan di Semarang, Indonesia untuk Mendorong Orangtua Terlibat dalam Perkembangan Anak

Abstract: This research aimed to improve the midwives’ skill and knowledge of child development through the use of the WHO educational package.
Method: This  is  a  prospective  intervention  study  which  introduced  the  WHO  child development  education  package  to  midwives  and  assessed  through  self  reporting  if  the packaged  resulted  in  changes  to  their  practice  and  knowledge  in  encouraging  parents  to enhance  (or  to  be  involved  in)  their  children’s  development.  This  descriptive  study  used survey  method  gained  from pre  and  post  test  of  an  educational  intervention  to  assess  the impact of the intervention. There were 43 midwives who participated as respondents in this research.
Result:  There  were  significant  differences  of  the  current  practice,  perceived competence  and  perceived  knowledge  between  pre  and  post  test.  Thus,  the  educational intervention  had  a  positive  impact  on  the  respondents’  current  practice,  perceived competence  and  perceived  knowledge.  There  was  no  significant  correlation  between current  practice  and  perceived  knowledge  and  between  perceived  competence  and perceived  knowledge  of  the  respondents.  However,  there  was  significant  correlation between current practice and perceived competence of the respondents. 
Conclusion:  Care  for  Development  package  from  WHO  had  positive  impact  in changing  the  practice,  competence  and  knowledge  of  a  group  of  practicing  midwives  in Indonesia. 
Keywords: child development, current practice, perceived knowledge, perceived competence
Penulis: Hanna Yuanita D.S., MMID, Mariani Djatiningsih, S.SiT
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd100004

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