FORMASI DAN STRUKTUR GERAKAN SOSIAL PETANI (Studi Kasus Gerakan Reklaiming/Penjarahan Atas Tanah PTNP XII (Persero) Kalibakar Malang Selatan)
Abstract: This field research
takes place in Ex-Dutch Plantation Kalibakar,
South of Malang during 1999
2005. The objective of this research is to analyze the process of
peasant movement in Kalibakar. Based on this research, the peasant social
movements are determined by 1) structural conduciveness, 2) structural strain,
3) the growth and spreading of common belief, 4) activating factors, 5)
participant mobilization, 6) social control, 7) supports from movement network ,
8) decision mak ing arena, and 9)
social structure differentiation.
Penulis: Wahyudi
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090004