Gambaran Karakteristik Ibu Nifas dan Praktik Menyusui Yang Benar di Rumah Sakit Panti Wilasa “Citarum” Semarang

Abstract:  This  study  aims  to  find  out  the  the  overview  of  mother  puerperal characteristics  and  the  right  breastfeeding  practices  at  Panti  Wilasa  Citarum Semarang Hospital.
Method:  The  design  of  this  study  uses  descriptive  research  method. The research  was  conducted  at  Panti  Wilasa Citarum Semarang Hospital  with Accidental  Sampling  techniques. The  data  were  collected  through  behavioral mothers  observations  during  breastfeeding  that  refers  to  the  13  action  items  of breastfeeding. 
Result:  The  results  of  this  study  indicate  that  mother  puerperal  has  fairly  the feeding behavior of 62.5%.  This behavior can be found in the is distributed in the mother with the age category 20-35 years. 62.5% of the mothers have secondary education  background,  62.5%  of  the  mothers  works  and  56.3%  of  the  mothers have delivered 2-5 timing. 
Conclusion:  Puerperal  mothers  in  the  age  of  20-35  years  having  secondary school  background,  working,  and  delivering  2-5  times  have  fairly  good  finding behavior that is 62.5%.
Keywords: Characteristics of mothers, breast-feeding practices
Penulis: Indah Tri Kuntarti, Arie Wuryanto, SKM, M.Kes, Ester Ratnaningsih, SST
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110017

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