Abstract:  At the end of 20th century, the medical field was startled by the emergence of a new disease that is very dangerous and vicious which attack humans, the disease of  HIV  /  AIDS.  AIDS  (Acquired  Immuno  Deficiency  Syndrome)  is  a  contagious disease  caused  by  HIV  (Human  Immuno  Deficiency  Virus).  It  spread  rapidly throughout  the  world,  in  1999  it  was  reported  191,000  AIDS  cases  in  145 countries by WHO. Until mid-2000 an estimated 30 million people worldwide were infected of  HIV, which  consists of 24.5  million adults  and 5.5  million  children. At the end of the 20th century it was estimated 40 million people infected. Discovery efforts through screening of patients with HIV / AIDS to blood donors, monitoring at-risk patients with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as Sex Workers, injection  drug  abusers  (IDUs),  residents  of  prisons  or  occasionally  research  the low-risk group such as housewives and so on. Aim  (s):  to  know  about description  of  knowledge level  and  attitude  of  sex worker women towards HIV/AIDS infection. 
Method:  This  was  a  descriptional  research  and  was  aimed  to  describe  about knowledge  level  and  attitude  of  sex  worker  women.  This  research  used observational  method  with  cross  sectional  approach  which  all  variables  were measured and collected together (simultanly).
Result: Most respondents were under 30 years old that means 63 respondents (85,1). Most of the educational background that was passed by respondents were basic level that means 43 respondents (58,11%). Most of respondents had a good knowledge level that were 59 respondents (79,73%). Most of respondents had a positive attitude (94,6%). Most of the respondents admitted that they got support for HIV/AIDS prevention from important peoples (89,2%).
Conclusion: Most of sex worker women had a good knowledge. The attitude of sex  worker  women  towards  HIV/AIDS  infection  could  be  categorized  in  positive attitude. 
Keywords: knowledge level, attitude, HIV/AIDS
Penulis: Ribut Siti Mukarom, Dr. Bagoes Widjanarko, MPH, MA, Hanna Yuanita Dana Santoso, MMID
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd120040

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