Gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang persiapan menjelang persalinan di Rumah Sakit Panti Wilasa ”Citarum” Semarang
Abstract: To determine the
knowledge level overview of the preparation of pregnant women before
Method: This is a quantitative study. The method used in this research is
descriptive method with cross sectional approach. Each subject is observed only
once, and variable measurement only when the subject of examination
Result: Based on
research showing that
70% of respondents
either educational
knowledgeable respondents, most
(38%) were junior
high school, 92% of
respondents have a
culture that supports
at P4K, 56%
of respondents multigravida, the
majority of respondents
earning 52% less
than the minimum wage Semarang District , and 50% of
respondents have not received information about the P4K
Conclusion: 70% of respondents
knowledgeable well, 38%
of the respondents were
junior high school
education, 92% of
respondents have a culture
that supports at
P4K, 56% of
respondents multigravida, 52% of
respondents earning less
than minimum wage
Semarang regency, and
50% of respondents have not
received information about the P4K.
Keywords: Characteristics,
Labor, P4K
Penulis: Mariani Djatiningsih,
S.SiT, Nor Tri Astuti Wahyuningsih, SST
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110014