Hubungan Antara Problema Sosial Pribadi dengan Stress pada Mahasiswa Program DIII Kebidanan Jalur Umum Akademi Kebidanan Panti Wilasa Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009
ABSTRACT: To find out the
correlation between personal social problem and stress on Midwifery Diploma
program students of
general class at
Midwifery Academy of
panti Wilasa Semarang in school
year 2008/2009.
Method: Analytic study with cross
sectional approach. The sample of the research was 99
midwifery diploma program
students of general
class first semester
Midwifery Academy of panti Wilasa Semarang. The data was collected by
using questionnaires with a personal social problem and stress scale. Then, it
was analyzed by SPSS program version 13.0 using Rank Spearman correlation
coefficient test with significant level 0,05.
Result: The most
student with personal
social problem in
enough heavily category (50,5%), and
no one student
is in very
heavy catagory. The
most student with
stress in enough stress(47,5%)
and lower category
(47,5%), and least
at very low
category (2%). The result
from the calculation
using SPSS an
rh0xy= 0,880 with
the significancy level
at 0,05 and n = 99.
Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between the personal
social problem and stress. The correlation between them is positive and the relation is very strong.
Keyword: Personal social problem, Stress
Penulis: Lisa Dwi Astuti, SST,
Artaty Dyah Wulandari, SST
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd100006