Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan Makanan Pendamping ASI terhadap Status Gizi Bayi 6-12 bulan

Abstract:  to  analyze  the    correlation  between  exclusive breastfeeding,  the age  of  complementary  feeding  supply,  the  kind  of  complementary  feeding,  the consumption  of  energy  and  the  consumption  of  protein    with  nutrition  status  of  baby  6 to 12 months old  in Guntur I Health Center, Demak District.
Method: The design in this study was case control by comparing 50 babies aged  6-12 months old who were undernourished status with 50 baby aged 6 -12 months  who  were  well  nourished  status  based  on  their  age  and  sex.  These subjects were taken by consecutive sampling technique in Posyandu which were under  the  supervision  of  Guntur  I  Health  Center.  Data  was  analysed  by  using univariate  with  frequency distribution  and percentage, bivariate   with  Chi Square test  and multivariate with logistic regression. 
Result: there was significant correlation between exclusive breastfeeding OR:3,579  (95%  CI:  1,437–  8,913);p=0,005  ,  the  age  of  supply  complentary feeding  OR:3,622  (95%  CI:  1,559–  8,418);p=0,002  ,  the  consumption  of  energy OR:3,407  (95%  CI:  1,401–  8,285);p=0,006    and  the  consumption  of  protein OR:3,881 (95% CI: 1,561– 9,650);p=0,003  with nutrition status of baby aged 6 -12  month  and  there  was  not  significant  correlation  between  the  kinds  of complementary  feeding  with  nutrition  status  of  baby  aged  6  to  12  months  old. Based  on  the  multivariate  analysis,  the  variable  of  exclusive  breasfeeding  is  a dominant  variable  that  influence  to  nutritional  status  of  baby  aged  6  -12  months OR:4,497 (95% CI: 1,661– 12,177);p=0,003. 
Conclusion:  baby  who  did  not  get  sufficient  exclusive  breastfeeding,  early supply  of  complementary  feeding,  the  consumption  of  energy  and  protein  is  low increases risk undernourishment baby aged 6-12 months. Babies with combined complementary  breastfeeding  has  average  weight  gain  increasing  higher  if  its compared  with  babies  who  supply  local  and  manufactores  complementary breastfeeding.   
Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, complementary breast feeding, nutrition status
Penulis: Ester Ratnaningsih, SST
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110021

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