Hubungan Usia dan Paritas Dengan Kejadian Partus Prematurus Di Rumah Sakit Panti Wilasa Citarum Semarang Tahun 2010

Abstract: This research has a purpose to know the relation of mother’s age and  the  parity  with  the  event  of  preterm  labor    that  happened  at  Panti  Wilasa Citarum Semarang Hospital in 2010.
Method:  This  research  program  was  cross  sectional.  This  research  was done at Panti Wilasa Citarum Hospital by used sampling nonprobability technique that was by used the secondary data. The data analysis was done as univariat to know the distribution and the frequency and bivariat with chi square statistics test with 5 percent meaning degrees or (0,05).
Result: From the result of the research showed that the event number of preterm  labor  at  Panti  Wilasa  Citarum  Hospital  in  2010  that  was  7,1  %.  The statistics test showed that mother’s age didn’t have the meaning relation with the event  of  preterm  labor  (p  value  0,983)  and  the  parity  didn’t  have  the  meaning relation with the event of preterm labor (p value 0,767).
Conclusion:  There was  no  relation  between  mother’s  age and the  parity with the event of preterm labor.  
Keywords: mother’s age, the parity, preterm labor 
Penulis: Martina Dewi Wijayanti, Dr. Bagoes Widjanarko, MPH, Ester Ratnaningsih, SST
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110026

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