ABSTRACT: Poverty overcoming
needs a strategic management because every planning and execution of related
activities in a certain long term period have to be evaluated, which its result
will be considered in making correction for further planning and program.
Concept of empowerment is the most exact method reducing poverty and there
should be full concentration of development in grassroots level. This approach
focuses on the ability of improving either technical or managerial skills.
Another relevant characteristic is development growth performed with a great
attention on environmental resources, as well as human resources. Local
potential is the basic asset to be a consideration priority of the development
activities to be executed. The cause of poverty in Kutai Kartanegara Regency is
the combination of structural, cultural, and natural factors altogether, added
by factor of entering migration. In reducing poverty, there are some programs,
such as: Financial Aid for the Poor, education subvention, healthcare
subvention, County Fund Allocation, road hardening in every county, the
construction of main road connecting 5 districts in Upstream Kutai, which is
still on-going, and National Program of Society Empowerment using joined fund
between Central and Local Government. There should be improvement in managing
poverty alleviation in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, either in planning, in
executing, in monitoring, or in evaluating so that the program may directly
have effects on the poor.
Keywords: poverty, strategic
management, empowerment
Penulis: Mohammad Asrie
Hamzah, M. Syafi’i Idrus, Djumilah Zain, Djumahir
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd100052
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