ABSTRACT: This paper aims to
address Financial Aids for Village Prosperity (BKPG) was engaged by Aceh
Government. How this program implicates to peacebuilding, peacekeeping, and new
conflictpreventing post vertical conflict ”Aceh–Jakarata”. The financial aids
were used more physical development (public infrastructure and health
faciality) such as roads, irrigation, sanitation and village poly clinic
(Polindes). The impact of BKPG to community welfare is difficult to measure
accurately, but generally it has given many benefits to society, such as access
to new jobs vacancy, have physical development that cause them easy and cheap
to do economic activities. The development activities of BKPG has increased
earnings, prosperity and welfare of the village community in Muara Batu
eventhougt not maxmimum. Based on this realty, BKPG can be perceived has
contributed to peacekeeping and conflict preventing, because peace made
community better in economic and politic. Beside that no internal conflict was
found while project conducted.
Keywords: Ecomomic, Welfare,
Peacekeeping and Conflictpreventing
Penulis: Suadi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110088
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