ABSTRACT: The purpose of this
study is to investigate and analyze the influence of money supply, government
spending, and interest rate of the inflation rate in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
In the analysis used multiple linear regression analysis (Multiple
Regressions). This study uses time series data starting from 1980 to 2006. The
type of data is secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the
Regional Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPMD), Bank Indonesia, and
other related intansi and from various sources and other literature in
connection with this research. Data were analyzed with OLS approach (Ordinary
Least Square).The estimation results show satisfactory results. This is evident
both from the testing of universal and partial, in which all independent
variables in this study have a significant effect on inflation. Based on
estimates of the variables in the money supply and government spending have
positive and significantly and interest rates and also significantly negative
effect on inflation. Based on estimates obtained koefiien determinant (R2) of
0.6878 which means that 68.78% variation of the variable inflation can be
explained by variables in the money supply, government spending and interest
rate of 68.78 percent and the balance of 31.22% is explained by variables which
are not included in this study. In reducing inflation in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam,
the government can do by way of raising the level of production, lower wage
levels and to supervise the rising prices of basic needs.
Keywords: Inflation Analysis
Penulis: Rahmawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110063
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