ABSTRACT: Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pengaruh regulasi pemerintah, akses
informasi, persaingan usaha, lokasi usaha, karakteristik bisnis terhadap
kinerja usaha industri kecil melalui strategi bisnis.This study aims to assess
and analyze the influence of business location and business characteristics of
the small industrial business performance through business strategy. Penelitian
eksplanatori ini dilakukan pada empat kategori usaha kecil (industri
pengolahan) yaitu: makanan dan minuman, meubel kayu, tekstile dan konveksi,
logam dan perak, sebanyak 200 responden (sampel) dilibatkan dalam survey dengan
menggunakan daftar pertanyaan (kuesioner). Explanatory research was conducted
on four categories of small businesses (manufacturing industry), namely: food
and beverages, furniture, tekstile and convection, and silver metal, as many as
200 respondents (sample) were included in the survey using a questionnaire
(questionnaire). Responden adalah seluruh pemilik dan pengelola usaha.
Respondents are the owner and manager of the business. Teknik pengambilan
sampel menggunakan multi stage random sampling dengan alokasi secara
proporsional. Sampling technique using a multi-stage random sampling with
proportional allocation. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 6 kabupaten/kota
(masing-masing tiga kabupaten/kota) di Sulawesi Utara. This research was
conducted in 6 districts (each of the three districts/cities) in North
Sulawesi. Untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja usaha
industri kecil, digunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan model persamaan
struktural (Structural Equation Modeling-SEM ) dengan menggunakan program AMOS
(Analysis of Moment Structural). The influence of business location and
business characteristics of the small industrial business performance through
business strategy, use descriptive analysis methods and structural equation
modeling (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) by using the program AMOS
(Analysis of Moment Structural). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa regulasi pemerintah,
persaingan usaha dan lokasi usaha berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap
strategi bisnis. Sedang kinerja usaha industri kecil dipengaruhi secara
signifikan oleh regulasi pemerintah, persaingan usaha, karakteristik bisnis
melalui strategi bisnis.The research concluded that: 1) the location of the
business significantly influences business strategy, 2) the business location
does not significantly influence business performance; 3) characteristics of
the business does not significantly influence business strategy; 4) the
performance of small scale industries is significantly influenced by the
characteristics of business ; 5) business strategy significantly influence the
performance of small scale industries.
Keywords: Business Locations,
Characteristics of Business, Business Strategy and Business Performance
Penulis: Bambang Hermanto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110027
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