ABSTRACT: This research aims
to uncover and analyze : (a) whether capital investment could help to improve
financial performance, efficiency and has a potential to create the impetus to
create asset growth; (b) whether growth of assets could improve the financial performance
and create an opportunity to make an efficiency, and (c) whether efficiencies
can improve the financial performance of the LGOE of the province of Riau.This
study uses quantitative and qualitative methods supported by an open form of
questionnaires and interviews. The results of this study, as follows : (1)
capital investments have a high power to push financial performance but it has
a negative relationship, (2) asset growth has not been capable of improving its
financial performance but has a positive relationship, (3) efficiency can
improve financial performance but it has a negative relationship, (4) capital
investment is potentially to create high efficiency but it has a negative
relationship, (5) asset growth does not have great opportunities to improve
efficiency and it has a negative relationship, and (6) capital investment does
not have the impetus to create asset growth, but it has a negative
Keywords: Investment, Asset
Growth, Efficiency, Financial Performance
Penulis: Sudarno, M. Syafi’i
Idrus, Ubud Salim, Djumahir
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110101
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