Analisis Dan Evaluasi Penatausahaan Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah Menuju Opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian
Abstract: Clean government and
good governance must be supported by
(transparancy), (accountability), (rule of law), (effectiveness &
efficiency), consensus orientation, responsiveness, equity & inclusiveness
and (participation). By financial reporting side, These are to create good
system in order to control management process of government to reduce human error
and misstatement. DPKA Kota Padang has applied such a good enough accounting
system that DPKA Kota Padang could run well. But, there are some procedures
need to revised in order to make a better system. There are some improper, less
or over documents. Besides over function still occurs in a procedure. A properly
reconstruction of system is expected
able to make DPKA Kota Padang runs more effective and efficient.
Keywords: system, control,
procedures, efficient and effective
Penulis: Anda Dwiharyadi, Amy
Fontanella, Ermataty Hatta
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120271
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