BUDAYA ORGANISASI: Dampaknya Pada Peningkatan Daya Saing Perusahaan

Abstract: The organizational culture is one of indicators indicates to increase the corporate  comparative advantage. The organization’s  succes  depends  on  the increasing of performance, in other side the failure of organization comes from the decreasing in performance. The purpose of this research is to explore the concept of the organizational culture and its role in achieving organizational success. The type of research used was library research. The organizational culture consist three levels, such  as  artifact,  espoused  values,  and  basic assumption.  Organizational culture  has to  differentiate  between  strong and weak culture. Strong  cultures  have a greater impact on employee behaviors and are more directly related to reduce turnover. 
Keywords: organizational culture, strong culture, and comparative advantage
Penulis: Wilson Bangun
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd080043
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