Abstract: Religious Courts were established with mandate to serve Indonesia Moslem in case settlement  based  on  Islamic  Law.  The  Religious  Courts  are  Courts  of  limited  or  special jurisdiction and party (as specified in their Statutes). They differ from the General Courts which have a general jurisdiction. The jurisdiction are limited on marriage, inheritance, will (wasiat), gift (hibah), waqf (wakaf), tithe (zakat), infaq, alms (shadaqah) and Shariah Eco-nomic (Act Number 3 of 2006 on Amendment of Act Number 7 of 1989 on Religious Court ). The courts take exclusive jurisdiction in marriage affairs concerning a Moslem husband and wife relating to marriage, revocation, reconciliation and divorce where the intervention of a religious court judge is necessary. Practically, the Courts jurisdiction extends to same range in divorce matters but the party in the case is non-Moslem. The jurisdiction is based on Islamic Personality principle; first, she or he was Moslem when marriage was conducted and second, the contract based on Islamic Law.
Kata Kunci: cerai, non-muslim, pengadilan agama
Penulis: Hartini
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd090037

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