ABSTRACT: This  research  aimed  to  analyze  the  influence  of  beta,  size  and price-to-book  value  to  stock  return  and  also  to  determine  whether influence given by those three factors will differ at different monetary condition.  Test  conducted  to  152  stocks  which  are  traded  actively  in BEJ  at  period  of  July  2000  to  June  2003.  Early  test  result  indicated that  independent  variables  namely  beta,  size  and  PBV  have  a significant  influence  to  stock  return.  Test  reenacted  by  separating sample  between  periods  which  is  expansive  and  restrictive,  the  result indicated that on expansive period beta did not have significant result, while on restrictive period all of variables have significant result. After conducting  the  interaction  test  by  including  the  monetary  policy  as dummy  variable,  the  test  resulted  that  monetary  policy  did  not  affect the  relation  between  PBV  and  stock  return,  while  beta  and  size indicated the significant result, it means that the relation of those two variables to stock return is indeed influenced by monetary policy.  
Keywords:  beta,  size,  price-to-book  value,  stock  return,  monetary policy
Penulis: Rusdayanti Asma
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd060047
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