Etika Bisnis Periklanan: Pelanggaran Pedoman Etis Dalam Iklan Televisi 2012
Abstract: This study attempts
to highlight how the producers advertise their products to reach a certain
position in competition with other manufacturers. In addition, this study also
aimed to see how the producers to eliminate the negative effects of bias due to
the communication between producers and consumers through advertising. The
study design was a multi case study, because the subjects in the study more
than one, as well as the background or data storage. This study proved that in
2012 almost all the television stations that the object of this research
violates ethical guidelines in advertising. Most violations in the form of
dishonest sales offers, harassing competitors, and the blurring of fact. The
dominant TV station in violation of business ethics and advertising are the
station SCTV and MNCTV station. Final proposition of this study are:
advertising business ethics violation is determined by the advertising
industry, life events and industry competition, and a television cameraman or
the advertising industry, as well as other forces or view specific concepts
(which in this case is understood as an ideology)!
Keywords: advertising,
business ethics, advertising effectiv eness
Penulis: Fitri Adona
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120262
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