HUBUNGAN ANTARA SIKAP DAN PERILAKU PEJABAT PUBLIC RELATIONS DENGAN EFEKNYA DALAM KINERJA (Studi Hubungan antara Sikap terhadap Penerapan Budaya Korporat dan Perilaku Penerapan Budaya Korporat dengan Efeknya dalam Kinerja Pejabat Public Relations Perbankan Swasta Nasional Anggota Perbanas)

ABSTRACT: This research has been done to get the answer of this research main problem, involve: is there relationships between attitude and behavior of corporate culture application in national private banking public relations officer, is there relationships between attitude of corporate culture application and its effect on performance in national private banking public relations officer, and is there relationships between behavior of corporate culture application and its effect on performance in national private banking public relations officer. This research has been done in the head office from their own bank where the public relations officer banking working. In this research we used quantitative approach. The important thing from this research is for verify cognitive disonanance of Leon Festinger. The method which is used in this research is correlational method. To verify the hypothesis we have already arranged Pearson correlation test and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this research and hypothesis found that they are having significant and potential between attitude and behavior of corporate culture application in national private banking public relations officer. Thus, cognitive disonan of Leon Festinger, can be accepted. And for relationship between attitude of corporate culture application and its effect on performance in national private banking public relations of-ficer found out that also they are having significant and potential. Also for relationship between behavior of corporate culture application and its effect on performance in national private banking public relations officer found out that also they are having significant and potential.
Key words: Attitude, Behavior, Performance, Corporate Culture, Boundary Spanning, Kognitif Disonance, and Public Relations
Penulis: Anto Suranto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd070026
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