ABSTRACT: Globalization  Economics  have  resulted  progressively  the increasing of strength of customer and market, and also affect at hyper competitions  creation.  Because  with  economics  area  globalization make  economics  without  there  is  State  boundary,  so  that  facilitate entry  of  business  perpetrator  from  within  and  abroad.  To  be  able  to stay  in  the  middle  of  the  hyper  competition,  of  vital  importance  to company to be able to gratify its customer.  For  the  shake  of  reaching  of  satisfaction  of  customer,  company cope  to  yield  a  product  which  later,  be  offered  to  the  market.  But product  which  on  the  market  by  an  unwelcome  company  sometimes market,  this  matter  happened  because  market  will  look  for  product matching  with  their  desire  and  requirement  so  that  consumer  or market satisfied. In  effort  reach  excellence  of  competitive  with  focusing  at satisfaction  of  customer,  this  matter  have  to  represent  the  part  of policy of company to create hand in glove relation with customer. And later, then this matter have to be inculcated in each company member individual  to  have  desire  serve  customer  eminently.  Because  this  step can  give  customer  benefit  will  satisfy  because  their  requirement  and desire fulfilled and satisfied customer of loyal to company. 
Keywords: customer satisfaction, global market, free trade
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd070037
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