ABSTRAK: Any decision taken in the field of marketing is called good if the decisions taken was always associated  with  an  environment  that  is  always  changing  and  evolving.  In  connection  with activities  of  integrated  marketing  communications  (Integrated  Marketing  Communication  / IMC) conducted marketers is to choose between using sales promotion, publicity, advertising or  personal  selling.  Of  course,  the  existence  of  competition  should  still  be  noted.  However marketers should continue to try to make consumers feel more satisfied than when consuming the products of competitors. In this case the concept of customer satisfaction is maintained. In the consumer self there is a concept that can be exploited by emotional factors play a factor other than rational. In connection with the theme of the message to be designed for this type of product unsought, marketers need to be creative these roles.
Penulis: Siti Puryandani, SE, MSi.
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120238
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