ABSTRACT: This  research  aims  to  explore  some  variables  which  influence  the intention  to  use  (re-use)  technology  of  internet  for  students  who  are doing  business.  This  research  applied  technology  acceptance  model (TAM)  elaborated  with  theory  of  planned  behavior.  Respondents  of  this research  were  students  of  sebelas  maret  university  who  have  uses internet  in  their  business  activities.  They  were  selected  by  a  purposive sampling method. Based  on  SEM  analysis,  the  result  of  this  research  shows  that perceived usefulness and subjective norm influence towards intention to use (re-use) technology of internet and also perceived behavioral control and attitude to re-use e-commerce. The result of this research describes that some variables are an antecedent of affective (intention to re-use) in e-commerce. Thus, this result supports the theory of planned behavior by Ajzen and technology acceptance model by Davis. Implications of the findings for developers are discussed further.
Keywords: TAM, technology internet, entrepreneurships
Penulis: Heru Purnomo & Haryanto 
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110167
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