Pasar Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Sumatera Barat (Fenomena Overeducation dan Undereducation)
Abstract: This study aims to
analyze the phenomenon of overeducation and undereducation women in the labor
market disumbar, and see the effect of the phenomenon of overeducation and
undereducation to income women in the labor market Sumatran west. The
methodology used in this study is multiple regression analysis using labor
force survey data in 2010. The results obtained in this study is overeducation
and undereducation phenomenon in the labor market. This phenomenon illustrates
the consequences or effects of a shift in the distribution of education workers
working on the job market or a particular business field. This proves that
there is a phenomenon in which a workforce with higher levels of education
occupy occupation is not in accordance with the level of education (lower).
This trend is found in the characteristics of workers by age group and by the
level of income or wages.
Keyword: the phenomenon of
overeducation and undereducation, female labor market West Sumatra, the
distribution of education
Penulis: Reni
Endang Sulastri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120267
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