ABSTRACT: This  study  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of  institutional  ownership  and  debt  policy  to  managerial ownership  in  companies  listed  in  Indonesia  Stock  Exchange  from  2003  to  2006  period.  The population in this study is that there is a manufacturing company in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2003-2006.Jenis data used are secondary data is data obtained indirectly through the Indonesian Capital Market Directory. Sampling technique using purposive sampling that samples with the use of  certain  of  these  criteria.  Of  these  criteria,  then  the  sample  was  obtained  as  many  as  37 companies.  Data  analysis  technique  used  is  multiple  regression  analysis  testing. The  results  showed  that  there  was  no  influence  between  debt  policy  (DR)  with  managerial ownership (MOWN)  can be explained that the variable DR  is a policy variable that is  owned by the company's debt to finance their operations. In this research does not affect the debt policy and managerial  ownership because  the  existing managerial ownership in  this study has  a  very small percentage so that a manager is limited to perform the duties of corporate management.
Keywords: institutional ownership, debt policy, managerial ownership
Penulis: Novita Anggarini, Ceacilia Srimindarti
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd090043

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