ABTRACT: To comprehend
change management represent
principle in growth an
organization. This change
is triggered from
environment that changing dynamically, either from external environment
and also internal environment of organization. Organizational change
is not matter
which is easy
to be done. There
are many constraints
which can block
change program, for example:
organization system constraints
and power, difference
in functional orientation and
organization chart which
is mechanistic, organizational culture,
group norm, groupthink
and individual constraints, like
is not ready to resulting to feel uncertainty, worry, and no peaceful. Organizational change
oftentimes cannot be let happened "naturally" just.
Change oftentimes requires
to be designed,
to be engineered and managed by a
strong leadership, visionary, smart, and orient development. In the middle of
intensively environmental change, without
effort change of
correct organizational under
strong leadership,
visionary, smart, and
orient development, an organization
will limp, even
possibly will die
to be castigated
by its strength
of change current.
Keywords: change
management, organizational system,
functional orientation,
organizational culture, norm,
groupthink, visionary, smart, orient development
Penulis: Setyaningsih Sri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd070027
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