ABSTRACT: Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) reflecting employee’s extrarole behavior  is a concept which has been discussed from both academic as well as practical perspectives. The misunderstanding of the relationship between OCB and  pay satisfaction was the basic motivation of this research. There were several researches related these two variables (in some dimensions of pay satisfaction) had produced  the inconsistent  conclusions. In this research, perception of employees on performance-pay link refers to pay satisfaction. Basically, the stronger perception is assumed as the higher pay satisfaction.  Will perception of performance-pay link as an independent variable have positive relationship with OCB  as a dependent variable? In contrast, will perception of performance-pay link negatively affect OCB? This study proposed some fundamental concepts of OCB (or extra-role behavior) that was not based on such an economic force like pay satisfaction concept. It also involved the three-component model of organizational commitment from Allen and Meyer. Allen and Meyer argued that each component (affective – continuance – normative) has its own construct. Consistent with the assumption,  this study tested these components as moderating variables one by one on the relationship of the dependent and independent variables. The findings indicate that perception of pay-performance link is negatively associated with OCB at the low level of affective and normative commitments. Also as predicted perception of pay-per formance link is not significantly associated with OCB at the the high level of affective and normative commitment. Not as predicted, perception of pay-performance link is negatively associated with OCB at the low level of continuance commitment, but not at the high level.
Key Words: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Perception of Pay-Performance Link, Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment
Penulis: N.H. Setiadi Wijaya
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd060051
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