ABSTRACT: Soft skills is a
personal attitude and interpersonal skills are necessary for a person to develop
and maximize performance. Getting a good GPA is not enough to be successful in
the workplace, because based on the results of the survey NACE USA, 2002, it
turns out GPA to
rank 17 of
the 20 indicators
studied. Ranked first
is the ability
to communicate. This paper aims to describe the importance of soft
skills and will present learning methods suitable for sharpening one's soft
skills. With the conclusion that the descriptive method
to hone soft
skills students need
to apply Competency
Based Curriculum (CBC). CBC organized approach to learning that is
expected to sharpen the soft skills of students, the approach is the Student
Learning Centre, students should be active
in searching for
a lecture, the
lecturer only as
a facilitator and
a role in designing the task, guiding, instructing,
giving reviews, assess performance and provide data. The
Forms of learning
in the Student
Centre Learning is:
Small Group Discussion, Role Play
& Simulation, Case Study, Discovery Learning, Self Directed Learning, Cooperative
Learning, Collaborative Learning,
Contextual Instruction, Project
Based Learning and Problem Based Learning and Inquiry.
Keywords: Soft
Skills, Studen t Centers
L earning, Com petency-
Based Curriculum
Penulis: Herizon, Fisla Wirda
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120258
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