ABSTRACT: Pro forma is
originated from Latin. It contains different meaning depends on which
discipline it is used. In accounting, pro forma disclosure is used to show
effect of important transaction which occurs after the end of periods, or which
occurs during period but not fully reflected in historical cost financial
statement of a firm. Pro forma disclosure has the objective to support (but
might mislead) investor in decision making focused on particular influence of
important transaction. Company with low GAAP profit information; less
profitable company and has higher level of debt but more liquid, whose P-E
ratio and market to book is higher than other companies in the industry; has
the tendency to do pro forma disclosure. Pro forma disclosure has been supported
by several theories such as: efficient market theory, catering theory, agency
theory, signaling theory, and stakeholder theory. However, there are problems
in reporting pro forma figures. There is no standard to it. Therefore,
information on pro forma disclosure might also mislead less sophisticated
Penulis: Yohanis Rura
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd1000052