ABSTRACT: Organizational  Citizenship  Behavior  (OCB)  is  improving  organizational  efficiency  and effectiveness  by  contributing  toward  resource  transformation,  innovation  and  adaptation  ability (Williams  and  Anderson,  1991).  The  number  of  employees  in  Poltekkes  Surabaya  who  are divided into various divisions becomes a problem for human resources management. Therefore, Poltekkes  Surabaya  director’s  managerial  ability  is  greatly  determined  to  organize  human resources  in  order  to  create  an  effective  and  productive  organization.  In  order  to  find  out  the relationship  between  job  satisfaction  and  organizational  commitment  with  organizational citizenship behavior in Health Polytechnic of Surabaya.  The research used cross sectional design with subject of Health Polytechnic of Surabaya employees.  In  order  to  examine  Organizational  Citizenship  Behavior,  the  research  instrument being  used  was  The  Origin  Organizational  Citizenship  Behaviors  Questionnaire  by  Morrison (1994)  which  already  used  by  Muchiri  (2002).  Job  satisfaction  was  measured  by  using Minnesota satisfaction questioner. Organization’s commitment is measured by using questioner which is presented by Allen and Meyer (1990); Panggabean (2004).  The  research  showed  that  there  was  a  relationship  between  job  satisfaction  with  OCB with r=0,407; R2 = 0,165 and p Value = 0,000. There was a relationship between organization’s commitment  with  significant  OCB  with  r  =0,2888;  R2  =  0,83  and  p  Value  =  0,001.  Therefore, there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment with organizational citizenship behavior with r=0,441; R2 = 0,194 and p Value = 0,000. In summary, there  was  a  positive  and  significant  relationship  between  job  satisfaction  with  organizational citizenship  behavior.  There  was  a  positive  and  significant  relationship  between  organization’s commitment  with  organizational  citizenship  behavior.  There  was  a  positive  and  significant relationship  between  job  satisfaction  and  organizational  commitment  with  organizational citizenship behavior.
Keyword:  Organizational  Citizenship  behavior  (OCB),  organizational  commitment,  job satisfaction
Penulis: M. Isa Anshori
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110144
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