ABSTRACT: Marketing  strategy  is  very  important  for  a  company  where marketing strategy is a way of achieving the goal of a company. So also  in  small  and  medium  enterprises  need  to  implement  a marketing  strategy.  Problems  faced  by  small  and  medium enterprises for this are: 1) lack of capital to develop the business, 2)  marketing  strategy,  and  3)  the  dependence  of  micro  high enough to season and market demand, causing the business to be volatile and difficult to develop. To overcome the above problems, particularly  in  the  implementation  of  small  to  medium  enterprise marketing  strategy,  then  things  can  be  done  is  to  do:  1)  market segmentation,  in  designing  a  product,  small  and  medium businesses  have  to  run  the  market  segmentation.  By  segmenting the market, small and medium businesses can better optimize each product  release.  2)  Cooperation  among  small  and  medium businesses.  Cooperating  with  other  small  and  medium  businesses as well needs to be done in order to strengthen mutual efforts.   
Keywords: Marketing strategies,  small and medium enterprises
Penulis: Sri Lestari Triyaningsih
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120297
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