ABSTRACT: In general, companies always try to develop and make suitable changes in anticipating the globalization era. One way of doing this is through business combination. There are three types of business combination, i.e. acquisition, merger, and consolidation. Merger and consolidation refer to the basic ideas of business combination, whereas acquisition refers more to the ways these ideas are implemented. Hence, an acquisition can take the form of a merger or consolidation, based on and in accordance with legal regulations. Companies which undergo acquisition need to choose which accounting methods to use to record business transactions. According to SAK (more or less comparable to GAAP), there are two alternative accounting methods, i.e. purchase method and pooling of interest method. In Indonesia, the use of either one of the two methods has not yet been clearly established in SAK, so that the managers can use one of the two methods which is better for their interest. Therefore, the fenomena of business combination create accounting problem how to apply pooling of interest and purchase methods. So far accounting standard which has been used internationally in applying these methods is referenced on  APB Opinion No. 16. According to this opinion, there are 12 criteria when a company uses pooling of interest method. If any one of the 12 criteria is not met, the company should use purchase method. Therefore, it is needed to do empirical study of choice of pooling of interest method and purchase method by companies undergoing acquisition in Indonesia. The objectives of this research were: (1) to find out whether or not the companies using pooling of interest method have met the 12 criteria, (2) to examine whether or not the number of companies using the pooling of interest method are different from that using purchase method, (3) to examine whether or not the average application of the 12 criteria by the companies using the pooling of interest method is different from that of those using the purchase method, and (4) to examine whether or not the average application of the 12 criteria by the companies which have made refer-ence to the APB Opinion No. 16 is different from that by those which have not by companies choosing the pooling of interest method. The findings of this re-search were as follows: 1. The average application of the 12 criteria of the com-panies choosing the pooling of interest method is 67 percent and standard deviation is 7 percent, therefore it can be concluded the companies choosing the pooling of interest method have not met the 12 criteria. 2. The number of companies choosing choosing the purchase method are larger than those choosing the pooling of interest method, in the ratio of 21 : 12 (64% : 36%). 3. The average application the 12 criteria by the com-panies choosing the pooling of interest method is larger than that by those choosing the purchase method, in the ratio of 15,4167 : 13,9524 (67% : 61%). On the basis of the results of the analysis using t test (2 mean difference test), there is no significant difference on the average application of the 12 cri-teria between the companies choosing the pooling of interest method and those choosing the pur-chase method. 4. Among the companies choosing the pooling of interest method, the average application of the 12 criteria by the companies which have made reference to APB Opinion No. 16 is larger than that by those which have not, in the ratio of 15,5714 : 15,2(68% : 66%). The results of the analysis using t test (2 mean difference test) indicate that there is no significant difference on the average application of the 12 criteria between companies which have made reference to APB Opinion No. 16 and those which have not by the companies choosing the pooling of interest method. The following were additional findings of the research: (1) in most cases companies which undergo acquisition in Indonesia have made business combination at least once (i.e. 37 companies or 67%); (2) the financial resources used to make business combination mostly come from right issues (i.e. 39 companies or 76%); and (3) the main purpose of business combination by companies undergoing acquisition is generally to extend their lines of business (i.e. 20 companies or 48%), and to strengthen their synergic effects (i.e. 16 companies or 38%).
Keywords: business combination, acquisition, merger, consolidation, pooling of interest method, and pur-chase method.
Penulis: Deden Iwan Kusuma
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd060052
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