Studi Tingkat Efisiensi: Perbandingan Besar Perusahaan dan Efek Krisis Ekonomi
ABSTRAKSI: The purpose of this
study are (I) to analyze the efficiency differences between large and small
firms. and (2) to analyze the impact of monetary crisis to efficiency, both
large and small firms_ All the manufacturing firms listed on the JSX are ranked
by total assets. The 30 highest firms
are categorized as
the large firms
and the 30
lowest firms are categorized as the small firms. Data
taken from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory 1999. Six
financial ratio are used to
represent the company
efficiency. Those ratios
are consist of three
categories: profitability, liquidity
and operation. and
leverage. In general, the
result of the
study suggest that
large and small
firms have their
own efficiency niches. There are no differences between large and small
firms with regard to efficiency. In addition, consistent with Machfoedz's
(1999) study. company efficiency are impacted by economic crisis. and the
large firms are more impacted by
economic crisis than the small one.
Keywords: efficiency large
firms, small firms. economic crisis
Penulis: Lukmanul Hakim
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120241
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