EKSAMINASI PUTUSAN PENGADILAN (Mengembangkan Diskursus Keadilan, dari Ruang Pengadilan ke Ruang Perkuliahan)

Abstract: Law students will always face  the problems of justice during their academic life.  Meanwhile,  the  very  idea  of justice itself was  the  most prominent issue  laid  on  the judicial decisions. Concomitant  with  this  condition,  case  law  analysis  is  the most  important part of learning  method  in  law faculty.  The reason  is that law students will have an  insight about how the dynamic  concept of justice  which  is  abstract  in  nature to  be applied in a concrete case.  By case law analysis law students will  be  encouraged  to  study  critically  and  thoroughly  the choosen doctrine in judicial reasoning employed by judges in deciding  a  concrete  case  before  him  in  order  to  realize  the idea of justice,  not only procedural but also substantive.
Key  Words:  Case  Law  Analysis;  Procedural  Justice;  Substantive Justice
Penulis: Tri Budiyono
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd080092

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